I love working with Joshua Raven. He's great fun and has a heart for young people.
He really enjoys working with schools and colleges, and has done author visits in the UK and across the world. (Check out his photos here!)
We'd like to offer you a tailored author visit. As an accomplished journalist, editor and presenter, Joshua is happy to serve you by doing: dynamic readings, Q&As, an assembly, reading appreciation, or creative writing, supporting your curriculum with relevant interactive sessions.
You'll see below some of the schools Joshua has worked with, with some teacher testimonials, a contact form to arrange a visit, and free lesson plans and resources. Also worth knowing: Joshua has a 1st Class Degree in English Literature, has served as a School Chair of Governors, and is a church youth worker.
We look forward to working with you and having fun together!
Phoebe Mohamed, Director, Red Ink Publishing (click here to email me!)
Teacher Author Visit Testimonials
“Thank you to Joshua for such a great workshop!"
"Thanks so much. What a brilliant session. The kids loved it!"
"The students thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and they asked many engaging and thought provoking questions."
"I am delighted with how it all went. Joshua worked wonders with the students!"
"The children (and teachers!) thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we saw them achieving some wonderful results."
"In particular, we appreciated the time Joshua took to praise each child individually on the writing they had produced. You could see their chests swell with pride as he went through the things that they had done well!"
"Group work with A-Level students really spurred them on to produce some outstanding creative pieces!"
"A number of our students have been reading his book and they are really enjoying it."
"Thanks so much for today's event. I know that your insights and answers to questions will be invaluable to all of the students, whether that's for their coursework, or their personal writing endeavours in the future.
Thank you for your honesty and expertise."
Enquire about an Author Visit
I'd love to chat with you about arranging an author visit - virtual or in person! So, please email me using this form, and I'll get straight back to you! Keep in mind I'm more than happy to tailor a visit to meet your requirements and fit your budget. Let's talk! Phoebe Mohamed
Free Lesson Plans and Resources for Teachers
12 Free Lesson Plans, Worksheets and PowerPoint Slides
These Lesson Plans, Worksheets, and PowerPoint Presentations are specially designed to take your pupils through 5fingers: initiation sequentially, covering the themes and objectives below.
Lesson 1: ‘Narrative Hooks’ (Reading) To understand how writers use narrative hooks to engage the reader. Lesson 2: ‘Introducing Characters’ (Reading) To ‘read between the lines’ and to conclude some of the first impressions of the characters. Lesson 3: ‘Newspaper Reports’ (Writing) To understand the structure and language of newspapers. Lesson 4 ‘Creative Sentences’ (Reading & Writing) To understand how variation and use of sentences in writing can be used. Lesson 5: ‘Settings’ (Reading) To evaluate the use of language to create setting and the effect on the reader. Lesson 6: ‘Descriptive Writing’ (Writing) To create a piece of descriptive writing using 5Fingers as stimulus material. Lesson 7: ‘Investigating Genre’ (Reading) To investigate the role genre takes as an organisational tool within a novel and understand the genre of 5fingers. Lesson 8: ‘Heroes & Villains’ (Writing) To look at the characters roles within the novel and how they fit into conventional stereotypes of hero and villain. Lesson 9: ‘Freeze Frame’ a scene (Speaking & Listening) To prepare a freeze frame scene, and develop understanding of the characters and their motivation through a speaking & listening activity. Lesson 10: ‘Hot Seating a Character’ (Speaking & Listening) To interview a character from the novel through a hot seating activity. Lesson 11: Speech Writing (Speaking & Listening) To prepare a speech on one of the topical issues raised by the novel. Lesson 12: ‘Conclusions and cliffhangers.’ (Reading & Writing) To conclude understanding of the novel as a whole and deduce where the story might progress in part 2 ‘5fingers: vortex’. |
Click image to download and save 12 Lesson Plans/Worksheets pdfClick image to download 12 accompanying PowerPoints (zip file)
About Joshua Raven

Joshua Raven (@RavenWrites) has enjoyed over 30 years as an international journalist, editor and copywriter. He has interviewed leading business figures including Bill Gates, and written for publications such as The Times, and businesses including Microsoft and Google.
Joshua regularly runs creative writing workshops with literary festivals and schools. He lives in the South of England with his wife and three children and enjoys running, playing the tenor sax, cooking and travelling.
The 5fingers quintet of novels is available in paperback and ebook forms, with the first book also available as an audiobook.
Joshua regularly runs creative writing workshops with literary festivals and schools. He lives in the South of England with his wife and three children and enjoys running, playing the tenor sax, cooking and travelling.
The 5fingers quintet of novels is available in paperback and ebook forms, with the first book also available as an audiobook.